
I’m struggling today.

Every day, I have to remove the splint that attaches to my wrist and try my best to move it back and forth and side to side to get the muscles unfrozen. You’d think that this wouldn’t be such a trial! My fingers work just fine. I can type up a storm, as per my recent posts have proven. The wrist however, and the muscles  that run down my arm from there, are stiff as boards. I begin physical therapy next week, but this week is my “get it started” responsibility.

There’s a word involved in this endeavor that sparks some guilt, that’s for sure. It’s my responsibility to get my wrist moving again, no one else’s. Not the physical therapist, not my surgeon, me. For some reason, this makes me afraid! It feels like it will never move again. It feels like I’ll never be able to lift anything heavy again, put up my hair, do normal everyday things that I had most certainly taken for granted before all of this surgery mess. It feels hopeless.

Obviously, I’m not a doctor. I know that people go through this all the time, and they eventually get their muscles to work again. But in the moment, it feels like it will never happen for me!

So, to quell my fears…has anyone experienced physical therapy to unfreeze muscles? I’d love to hear some testimonials, if only to reassure me!

Till next time…

Love and Blessings,

The Pagan Person